Online Registration Instructions

  1. Log in to our system using your registered email address and password. Don't have an online account with us? Create an account by clicking "Become a Registered User" at the top of this page. If you forgot your password, click here.
  2. There are multiple ways you can search for programs for you and your family members using "Search Activities" menus:
    • Category - Search by category to find programs and events within specific age categories and interests.
    • Location - Search by Park System location to find programs located at specific park sites.
    • Age Group - Find programs within a specific age group or age range.
    • Program Code - Search for a specific Program Code found in a recent copy of our Parks & Programs Guide.
    • Start Date Range - Find programs that begin within a certain date range.
    • Days of Week - Find programs that run on specific days of the week that fit your schedule.
    • Keywords - Use keywords to find programs that suit your interests.
    • Volume - Search for programs within a specific volume of our Parks & Programs Guide.
  3. Programs listed are available for online registration unless otherwise noted. If a program is full, you may add yourself to the waiting list. If you do not see a program listed, it is no longer available for registration.
  4. For additional details about a program, click the information button to the right of the program line.
  5. When you have decided on which program you would like to register for, enter the number of participants you'd like to register, and click the "Register" button.
  6. If you have not yet logged in at this point, you will be prompted to do so.
  7. Once your program has been added to your shopping cart, you can either begin the checkout process or click "Register for Another Program".
  8. Finalizing your program registration:
    • To begin checkout, click on "View Cart" if you are not already in your shopping cart.
    • For each program spot, select the participant from the drop down. If the participant isn't included in the drop-down , choose "Add/Edit Participant" option.
    • If the participant has any allergies that may affect their ability to participate in the program(s), please select the appropriate information under the "Allergies" column.
    • Plase answer the question at the bottom of the screen inquiring if the participant needs program modifications due to disabilities.
    • Click "Next" and confirm your order. You may then click on "Register for Another Program" to add additional programs to your order; "Edit Order" to make any changes; or "Go to Payment Page" to complete your order.
    • Follow prompts to complete your payment and finalize your registration.
    • The Monmouth County Park System gladly accepts VISA, MasterCard, and Discover.
    • Once payment is accepted you can print a copy of your permit. A copy of your permit will also be automatically emailed to you.


Please call our Reservations Department at 732-842-4000, ext 1, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.